Ledis end
jetelmen introduce my name NUR HIDAYAT I come from Sintang and lived at the
village Bedayan districts sepauk origin of my school of SMK N 1 SINTANG my
school is located in an area Sintang is d way Sintang-pontianak I go to school
d SMK majoring in multimedia friends in I smk the cut was good every day we
always learn together and joking laughter. My school has a stout majors crate
Multimedia, Engineering Computer Network, Motorcycle Engineering, Architecture
Engineering buildings, Engineering Surpe and solutions, tenik Bodi Automotive,
Engineering Audio Video, tenik Radio Broadcasting, tenik Kontrusi Wood,
Engineering Stone Concrete, and my school memili sekikar room that already
could be in use by about 43 room because it was the one I go to school at SMK
ie d majors multimedia because multimedia sayat was intriguing because Learn
about how to make such as video editing, making billboards, and sound editing
by me because it was the sign of multimedia. Ledis sportsmanlike end it was a
bit of my time profile of the school in SMK N 1 SINTANG. But this time I was
studying at university Tanjongpura is majoring in informatics tenik. The
Informatics tenik The cut was far different from what I had learned when I was
in Multimedia SMK technique because it informati learn about science and
technology, it is because it was the one I wanted to deepen the IT knowledge
and learn
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