Smartphone Apps that you love
Applications that I like is facebook and instagram because the application is so is nice and everyone using this application because it was the one I liked and favorites using facebook and insgram because we can post the moment what we have taken using a camera phone or digital and all friends in friendships melhat and mengomen photo we have downloaded in the application itun we can carry on a conversation with friends of our friends away from around us and close around us by because that's my favorite once using the application each and almost every time opening and liked what my friends post on facebook or isntagram and I can not forget to eat and mengerkerjan task when it plays facebook or instgram because it was the one I used to use facebook and instagram because they can make me able to play in your spare time very lah membosan right in because there is no work being done to make spare time that I bermai facebook or instgram eat of that application is my favori...